Dave Eckerson

Non-Profits & Charities Member

Company Joint Task Force K9's

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Company Bio "Saving LIVES One Dog at a Time" Our Mission Statement Joint Task Force K9s is a faith-based nonprofit enriching the lives of Active-Duty Military, Combat Veterans, and Law Enforcement with disabilities through K9 Therapy classes and the placement of specially trained Service Dogs. Our goal is to prevent Veteran and Law Enforcement suicide and help our nation’s Heroes with their integration back into the community by providing gains of mobility, independence, and peace of mind for Post-Traumatic Stress and Traumatic Brain Injuries.

Services Provided OUR K9 PROGRAMS: Active Duty Military and Law Enforcement, K9 Therapy Classes for Combat Veterans and Retired Law Enforcement, K9 Therapy Classes and Service Dog PrograK9 Therapy and Service Dog Program Our dogs are received from a reputable high-quality breeder in the United States and are trained personally by JTFK9s professional in-house trainers. The primary dogs we train are Belgian Malinois, and will occasionally use other breeds. We have found that these working dogs make the best pairing for Combat Veterans and Law Enforcement, due to their intelligence and drive to help their handlers through all aspects of life. These dogs are very stable with proper training and can adapt to situations that our Veterans and Law Enforcement face on a daily basis. As part of our training regimen, we use our dogs for our K9 Therapy Program. This allows our dogs to work by, with, and through our nation’s Heroes to help promote healing and give our team a means of assessing possible Recipients for our Service Dog Program. At the same time, it helps the dogs realize their duties as Service Dogs and identifying triggers and symptoms of PTS/PTSD and TBI. Additional mobility issues are also identified during these classes and leads to additional training to meet our Recipient’s needs. Our Service Dogs are guaranteed to be obedient, patient, confident, and aware of their surroundings while serving our Heroes.m.

Sector/Industry Non-Profit

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Email Jtfk9s@gmail.com

Phone (909) 996-0766

Address 10606 Skye Paseo Ave

City Las Vegas

State Nevada

Zip 89166

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SNVCC Member

First Name Dave

Last Name Eckerson

Position President

Branch of Service Marine Corps

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Member Since July 10, 2024

Membership Type Company / Organization

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